Let’s begin by stating the obvious, the weather in late December hasn’t been great. We have had unseasonal rain in the southern states, and a cyclone with widespread flooding in North Queensland. These conditions will absolutely have an impact on the in season produce this January.
Seasonal Fruit
The weather has affected much of our in season produce. Cherries for example, were due to have their best season in about 4 years. South Australia and Victoria growers were predicting a bumper crop for the season. However, we then got the rain, which impacted crops significantly with most growers losing at east 50% of production.
Unfortunately, mangoes have been heavily affected as well. It has been one of the worst mango seasons in years with up to an 80% failure rate. Then after cyclone Jasper the other 20% of crop became affected. This means that mangoes will continue to be limited and expensive over a very short season.
Nectarines, peaches and plums had a very light crop last year and like the Cherries were looking good for the 2024 season. The rain has impacted these lines, but thankfully not to the same extent as the cherries. Expect stone fruit to continue through the month of January, but yields will be down, and prices will be high.
Cyclone Jasper also means that stocks of bananas, red papaya, rockmelon and honeydew, dragon fruit, lychee’s and other topical’s will be in short supply, lower quality and priced higher.
Grapes are due to start mid-month and have most likely been unaffected by the rain in December. If the grape growing regions stay dry until harvest, we should have grapes into early March.
Apples are still in good supply, but they are coming out of storage. New season apples will start around Australia Day, as will new season pears.

Seasonal Vegetables
Brassicas are traditionally winter crops, so although cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and celery will be available, the supply will be patchy, smaller and more expensive. The good news is that the weather has improved in the Southern States and will continue to improve as the month progresses to get warmer and drier. This means that South Australia celery will be improving as the month progresses.
Along with South Australia, Tasmanian carrots and other brassicas will also perform quite well toward the end of the month. Tasmania has been fortunate enough to miss most of the bad weather, so there is hope that they will be able to make up for what other states are unable to provide this year.
If January goes well, there should be many vegetables available such as: asparagus, beetroot, green beans, and cucumbers. Here will also be plenty of capsicum, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, and pumpkin.
Be wary as the lines that are generally short in January are: silver beet, sweet potato, cauliflower, Chinese veg, broccoli and cabbage. Although they will be available, they will be more expensive.
Happy Summer and remember to eat all of your colours.
The Team at United Organics

Image: The Diggers Club