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What is Certified Organic?

The term ‘Certified Organic’ means a product has been through a strict certification process and has met the requirements of an approved certification Standard, such as the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce or the Australian Certified Organic Standard. Brands and/or businesses are then audited annually to ensure they continue to meet the strict requirements of the Standard.

In Australia, certified organic always means:

  • Sustainable and regenerative
  • Synthetic herbicide, pesticide and chemical free
  • All animals are free to roam
  • GMOs, artificial additives and hormones prohibited

There’s a difference between ‘organic’ and ‘certified organic’ in Australia

Did you know that currently in Australia, there is no regulation for the term ‘organic’? This means that a product can be labelled ‘organic’ even if it has not been through organic certification. Due to our nation’s lack of domestic regulation, you might find products with as little as 2% organic ingredients with an organic claim on their labelling.

The only way to guarantee that your product is authentically organic is to look for a certification mark such as the Australian Certified Organic ‘Bud’ logo.

Organic Fast Facts

Want to learn more?

Want to learn more about what certified organic means? Click on the links below to find out more.

Tread softly – the impact of organic farming on the environment

It’s no secret organic farming promotes higher biodiversity and richer ecosystems, and organic farms are more resilient to variations in climate because their methods increase water conservation and stimulate soil health. Farmers producing certified organic livestock follow strict animal welfare standards, and farmers growing certified organic fresh fruit and vegetables use sustainable farming methods that imitate natural ecological processes. To celebrate Australian..

Organic Bakeries: Health and Sustainability in Every Loaf

What is the difference between organic and non-organic bread, you may ask? Organic bread production embraces natural methods, prohibits synthetic inputs, and prioritises sustainable practices such as crop rotation and biological pest control. The very grain used to make organic flour is grown without any synthetic nitrogen or toxic, persistent pesticides. ..

Egg-straordinarily Organic!

Eggs are arguably one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are considered as the ideal source of protein; and as such have been used as the benchmark for comparison with other protein source. Besides being jam-packed with nutrients, eggs go so well with bacon. And toast. And sausages. And let’s not forget eggnogs and the whiskey sour!..

The Brew that Cares: Exploring the Perks of Organic Coffee

Ahhh, coffee—the elixir of life for many. It kickstarts your day, keeps you fueled, and unites aficionados globally. Amidst this journey of aromatic addiction, one term gaining traction is "organic coffee." But what is it, and why should it be part of your daily coffee ritual? In this article, we explore the essence of organic coffee and why it's more..

What is Organic Red Meat?

What is organic red meat, how is it different and why should you consider it? Organic red meat is derived from animals that were raised according to stringent organic standards. These strict standards govern the entire process, from the animals’ diet and living conditions to the absence of synthetic hormones and chemicals. Cattle feedlots are prohibited in certified organic production. ..

What Does ‘Biodynamic’ Mean?

As a consumer you may recognise organic products, but what about biodynamic? What are they exactly, and how do they differ from organic?  Biodynamic farming is still organic farming; however, it takes processes to another level. It is founded on the principles of self-sufficiency and a closed-loop farming system in harmony with nature. While organic farming allows bringing in organic animal..

What is Organic Baby Food (and is it better for your child?)

As parents, we all want what’s best for the baby, right? This applies to what we are feeding them. Babies have a higher vulnerability and risk for toxin exposures compared to adults, both due to their small size and the fact their organs are still developing. With that in mind, here are some potential benefits for choosing organic baby food...

What is Organic Tea?

Did you know that tea is the second most consumed drink in the world after water? There are numerous (and an ever-growing number of) studies documenting the health benefits of this virtually calorie-free drink. But what is the difference between organic tea and non-organic tea?..

What are the environmental benefits of organics?

With Earth Day rapidly approaching on 22 April, now is a great time to understand more about the impact that the food system, and in turn, your consumer choices have on our planet. So, what are the environmental benefits of organic systems really?..

What is Organic Bread?

Bread is a staple household item and one of the most consumed foods around the world, with Australians spending a total of $89.6 million per week on bread. A lot of work goes into bringing this delectable and popular product to consumers. But why is it so important to consider organic bread products for you and your family?  ..

What are Organic Soft Drinks?

Summer is in full swing, and what could be more refreshing than a sparkling soft drink to quench that thirst? Unfortunately, conventional soft drinks are notoriously bad for us and often packed with sugars, artificial colours and flavours. For this month’s blog, we take a look at organic soft drinks to determine whether they can be considered healthy for organic consumers...

What is Organic Farming?

Organic farming is an ecological management system that maintains and enhances soil fertility, promotes ecological balance, animal health and conserves biodiversity. For farmers, converting to organic is more than just switching out similar products. It is about understanding the natural cycles of farm agroecosystems and how to use them to their advantage rather than control them...

What is Organic Fruit and Veg?

Organic fruit and veg comes from a system of natural farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides or synthetic fertilisers. Now your question might be, why isn't all fruit and veg grown like this? Read on to find out why. ..

What are Organic Nuts?

Organic nuts have been eaten by man for thousands of years. In fact, evidence exists that demonstrates that nuts such as almonds, pistachios, water chestnuts and acorns were a major part of our ancestors' diets nearly 780,000 years ago! ..

What is Organic Grain?

Grains represent nearly 60% of the world’s total calorie intake, and studies suggest that organic grains have higher nutritional contents then their conventional counterparts. Read on to find out more about the benefits!..

What is Organic Milk and Dairy?

With World Milk Day on the 1st of June, now is a great time to delve deeper in the world of organic dairy. World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognise the importance of milk as a global food. However, not all milks are made equally! ..

What is Organic Chocolate?

Many don’t know about the origins of the luxurious treat chocolate. To understand where chocolate comes from, we need to travel to the Equator...

What is Organic Beauty?

Skincare is a confusing space with the term organic being thrown left right and centre. Organic Beauty is generally defined as products that contain organically grown ingredients free from pesticides...

What is Organic Wine?

Winemaking is the process in which wine grapes are turned into wine. But not all wine is made equal. Organic wine is made with organic grapes. Organic grape-growing and winemaking does not involve the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or fertilisers...

What are Organic Textiles?

anic textiles are grown without toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilisers and genetic modification. Lots of different fibres can be organic, such as hemp, flax (linen), jute, silk and wool. However, organic cotton is one of the most commonly used materials in fashion and textiles...

What is Organic Animal Feed?

When you buy organic animal feed, you choose to provide safe, nutritious food to your animals. Organic animal feed is grown with no added synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. ..

What does the new Organics Industry Advisory Group mean for organics in Australia?

We speak to Australian Organic Limited CEO, Niki Ford, to learn more about the newly appointed Organics Industry Advisory Group and what it means for Australia...

What Does Free Range Mean?

As part of organic standards in Australia, certified organic livestock must be free to range – but what exactly does this mean?..

What are organic standards?

Learn more about the organic standards that are used to certify organic brands and businesses and the certification process in Australia...

The Benefits of Certified Organic

When you choose certified organic, you’re making a better choice for your health, the environment and supporting those working behind the scenes...

What is Certified Organic?

Do you know that in Australia there is a difference between 'Certified Organic' and simply 'Organic'? Learn more about what certified organic means including the benefits to humans, animals and the environment...

Begin Your Organic Journey

Want to start living organically but not sure where to begin? Here's a few tips and easy ways you can start living a more organic lifestyle today!..