Let’s start by saying 2022 has been an exceedingly challenging year for producers so far. It is fair to assume that all produce will be rain-affected, seasons will be short, and supply will be limited. So, with the caveat in place, let us begin.
Beginning with the staples, Apples. They are plentiful and available from SA, Vic, Tas, and Qld. Apples are not short, at least for now. Galas, Grannies, Fujis, and Pink Ladies are in good supply. Pears are also on from multiple regions with an excellent choice of varieties.
Plums with their smooth skins coped better than other stone fruit with the amount of rain experienced this season. They are in good supply and we expect to have some plum offerings well into May. Peaches and Nectarines are well and truly finished, not that they really started. 2022 was one of the worst seasons in memory for a lot of stone fruit growers.
Hass variety Avocados had a late start and subsequently a late finish and were still available right through March. They are done now and the market is relying on green skins varieties like Fuentes, Sharwil, and Reid’s. It is already evident that a lot of these have been rain-affected, so you can expect the quality to be down.
Citrus has fared quite well in 2022; with good stocks of Valencias, Lemons, and Limes, and should remain consistent all through April.
Fruits that we would normally have good supplies of that are short this April include Grapes, Blueberries, and Papaya.
To compensate, they are reasonable quantities of exotics just hitting the market, keep an eye out for Guavas, Mangosteens, and Pomegranates to brighten up your fruit bowl.

Last year Celery had an honourable mention because there was so much of it, this year it gets a mention for the exact opposite reason. The over-supply and record low prices last year saw a couple of the bigger growers not plant this year, so the market was always going to be light. A large percentage of those who did plant was then impacted by heavy rain resulting in crop loss and disease. Expect to pay top dollar for your celery if you are fortunate enough to find any.
Pumpkin was also a little short-supplied and high priced in March, but for April we expect supply to improve and prices to fall, with most of the stock coming from the drier southern states.
Brassicas will start to transition to Qld as the southern states start to cool down. Expect this month to be spoiled for choice with Cabbages, Cauliflowers, and Broccoli available from just about every state. Note: supply for some of these lines has been impacted by the big wet, so what would normally be a situation of oversupply, may just be sufficient stock to meet the market.
Carrots, Parsnips, and Potatoes are all in good stocks, as are most of the salad lines. Spinach does traditionally get a little short this time of year as can Rocket.
Onions are available but transitioning so expect supply to dwindle and prices to rise until the Qld growers start possibly in May.
Overall, our farmers have done a great job producing in very challenging conditions, and our tables will not suffer from a lack of choice or supply.
Enjoy these Autumn foods and remember to eat all your colours.
The Team at United Organics

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