November is here and this month is all about fruit!
Summer is all about fruit. Currently, there’s a great supply of Blueberries, Bananas, Papaya and Valencia Oranges.
In terms of citrus, Lemons and Limes are available but expensive. Mangoes should increase in supply and drop in price mid-month when Queensland varieties become available.
There are still plenty of Apples around after a good season and improvements to storage processes. Expect to see good quality apples until the new season starts in January.
Strawberries have finished early as conditions have been too wet and too cold, with Southern growers unable to start their own season due to similar conditions. This means short supply and high prices, but expect things to improve mid-month.
The star of summer, Stone Fruit, will start putting an appearance in mid-November, remembering organics have shorter seasons than conventional produce. Nectarines and Peaches will be first off the mark, followed by Cherries, Apricots and Plums later in the month. We may get the first Grapes of the year at the very end of November if conditions are favourable.
We’re really looking forward to the first taste of Queensland Mangoes!

This November is going to be a tough month for Vegetables.
Brassicas are in short supply. There is always a transitional period between Northern regions finishing and Southern regions starting. Occasionally, there is an overlap when the Queensland season goes long, and the Southern guys start early. We like those years, plenty of supply and low prices.
However, 2021 is unfortunately not one of those years. Broccoli has been particularly short, with demand far outstripping supply and prices going through the roof. Cauliflower has been similarly affected, as has Cabbage and Kale, just not quite to the same extent. We should see an increased supply mid-month but expect Broccoli and Cauliflower prices to remain reasonably high through the summer months.
Traditionally, Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes get a little short around Christmas, but this year there appears to be more around. Pumpkin has been at record low prices, it was short and expensive last year, which prompts more growers to plant. That trend often causes a glut the following season and low prices, which is exactly what we are seeing. Pumpkins will shorten up mid-November and prices are climbing.
Asparagus is in full swing and there are plenty of Carrots coming out of Queensland and Tasmania. Onions are also short this year. Red Onions are nearly non-existent, quality is low, prices are high.
Remember to eat all of your colours and have a great November!
The Team at United Organics