What’s growing and slowing in October 2023
This October is significantly drier and hotter than the last few years. As a result, Queensland growers are finishing earlier than usual, and the southern guys are off to an early start.
Tropical fruits have started, such as the Northern Territory mangoes that are due this month. It is shaping up to be a bumper mango season this year. We will also see papaya, passionfruit, and pineapples coming in as it continues to warm up.
Watermelons will start coming in at greater volumes along with Bananas where supply usually accelerates with the warmer conditions so, quantities should rise, and prices should fall.
Apples will be with us until the new season kicks off but expect the range and the quality to diminish. There are also still a few pears around, but they will most likely finish up by November.
It will also be your last chance to get kiwis as we expect them to run out early to mid October
Strawberries have done well this year, but the Sunshine Coast region is slowing down. We hope to get enough from Stanthorpe to get us close to the southern season starting. Blueberries should come on strong this month with several growers starting.
Oranges will start to transition from Navels to Valencia’s. But limes and lemons will shorten up as they do every year around this time.
There is a chance we may see the first glimpse of stone fruit by the end of the month if the conditions remain dry and hot, but they won’t really get going until November
As you may have noticed, Avocados have had another good year and there are plenty of Hass still around. We expect that they will continue right into summer.

Veggies migrate south for the summer because it is too hot to grow many varieties in Queensland during the summer months. So, as things warm up, expect more and more produce lines to come from down south. This usually results in some short-term gaps in supply, but with favourable conditions being enjoyed down south, we expect this seasons transition to be a smooth one with minimal supply disruptions.
Tomatoes were newsworthy last year, with very tight supply. This October is much better, but prices are expected to remain high, and stock will still be a little short. There are several southern growers due to start mid to late October, that will certainly increase volumes and put downward pressure on the market. The supply of cherry tomatoes is still pretty strong and that will certainly help plug any gaps in the market.
Asparagus, beans, and broccoli are all in good supply. Carrots, fennel, and onions are staples in October as well. Sweet corn, squash and zucchini are coming out of several regions, so the supply should stay steady through to Christmas. However, Jap and Kent pumpkin has shortened up
Cabbages may shorten up towards the end of the month. Expect the “summer cabbages” that are available to be smaller and less dense. Cauliflower and celery are also known to tighten up as the weather heats up, expect prices to climb and quality to drop.
Potatoes used to get a little short in summer, but there are enough growers on now to keep the market well stocked through the summer. Prices may climb marginally but nothing too drastic.
Onions is one that will be mostly coming from Queensland during this period, while sometimes they are softer many people say they are the best tasting of the year.
Happy Spring and remember to eat all of your colours.
The Team at United Organics

Image: The Diggers Club