What’s Growing and What’s Slowing in September 2020
Transitional months are always more challenging and the conditions this year have not exactly followed script. Not that anything about 2020, has really followed script! So, this is our best guess scenario as to what should happen in the month of September for fruits and vegies.
This month, there are still plenty of Apples around, but they will be late-season varieties. Pears have had a good season and Packham’s will be available for a few months yet.
Citrus is well represented, with Navel Oranges, Lemons and good quality Grapefruit available in September. There are still some Tangello’s around, but expect them to finish early in the month.
Banana supply is good from North Qld and prices are quite low. Red Papaya, Rockmelon, Honeydew and Watermelons are coming down from the same region in good supply. Sunshine Coast strawberries are flushing, which means it’s time to start freezing, jamming, baking and blending into your favourite smoothies.
Avocadoes are dropping a little in price and are becoming more available. Expect this trend to continue right through the month. Other notable fruits are Custard apples, Passionfruit and Afourer Mandarins.
Mango growers have said they are expecting a good season, so expect to start seeing fruit from the Northern Territory in about a month and a half.
Starting with the ABC’s…. Artichokes Globe have already started and Asparagus will be coming on early to mid-September. Beans, Beetroot, Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli are in good supply, but expect Brussel Sprouts to finish up mid-month.
Cabbages, Cauliflower and Celery are being supplied from multiple regions in good quality and at good prices. Carrots will continue throughout the month with low prices to encourage demand.
Capsicums and Cucumbers are still coming out of the Bundy region along with Tomatoes and Sweet corn, which maybe a little short this year with crop pests causing trouble in the North.
There are good supplies of Potatoes and Pumpkin, while Zucchinis are coming on and prices are finally dropping.
There is a good supply of Chinese vegetables, Wombok, Eggplant and most Lettuces. Rocket has been a little short due to the cold, wet weather in Victoria. Queensland Onions are on and Purple Garlic is just around the corner.
All up there’s a very solid supply of vegetables this September. Queensland growers will be slowing down and the Southern suppliers will be ramping up as the month goes on. There may be some gaps in supply, but they will be short lived.
Welcome to Spring and remember to eat all of your colours!
The Team at United Organics