What’s Growing and What’s Slowing in September 2023
Spring has started early this year; let’s find out how that effects produce, and what’s in season this month.
This month, there are still plenty of apples around, but they will be late-season varieties. The apple growers have had an excellent season and we should have some varieties available till the start of the new season in January.
That said, expect the range and the quality to decline as we get further into the summer months.
Most growers have finished with Golden Delicious; Granny Smiths are hanging in there due to better storage techniques, but expect them to finish soon. We would normally expect Gala and Fuji to follow, but they have also benefited from the new technologies, so their season has been extended. Still, it is normal to see the season out with later varieties like, Pink Ladies and Sundowners.
Pears have had a sub average season with all varieties finished, other than Packham’s and a few late Buerre Boch. All pears are expected to finish by the end of the month.
Citrus is well represented, with navel oranges, lemons and good quality grapefruit available in September. There are still some tangelos, blood oranges and mandarins around, but expect them to slow down as the month progresses, we may see Afourers and Murcots continue through to October.
Banana supply is good from North Queensland and prices are quite low. Red papaya, rockmelon, honeydew and watermelons are coming down from the same region. Sunshine Coast strawberries are having a much better year as the supply is up, and are prices are down. The warmer weather may finish them off early, but all things being equal, we would expect an early end to Queensland to mean an early start to the Victorian season.
Avocadoes have normalised a little this year, after two bumper crops, coupled with reduced demand. There are adequate numbers around, and prices and quality are within the normal ranges.
Other notable fruits are custard apples, passionfruit, and pineapples. Kiwifruit and limes are still around but supply will start to thin towards the end of the month.

The Mornington Peninsula growers are coming out of their winter months, so you can expect asparagus to be on early September. Broccoli has stabilised, supply and quality are good, prices still quite low. We are not expecting any shortages during the transition to the southern states.
Beans, beetroot and brussel sprouts are in good supply, but expect brussel sprouts to finish up mid-month. We have also had a steady supply of parsnips this year.
Cauliflower are being supplied from multiple regions in good quality and at good prices. Carrots are also in good supply, yet prices have remained reasonably high due to the challenging conditions from last year have carried through. Tasmania is on its last pick and there are multiple Queensland growers on, but the warmer conditions may finish them early.
Cucumbers and tomatoes are still coming out of Southeast and Central Queensland, numbers are a little down but better than last year, and prices are in line with supply.
Sweet corn and celery are in good supply at reasonable prices. There is also a good supply of both potatoes and pumpkin available.
Zucchinis are coming from all across Queensland and the Northern Territory, so supply is good for this time of year, and as we get into spring with the warmer and drier weather, they will come on and prices will start dropping.
Finally, there are good supplies of Chinese vegetables, eggplant, and most lettuces. Last year, all these lines were adversely impacted by our wet winter, this year conditions have been more favourable. Lastly, Queensland onions should start this month, and purple garlic is just around the corner.
All up there’s a very solid supply of vegetables this September. Queensland growers have had a better growing period, but demand has maybe let them down, I don’t think they will be sorry to see the back of the 2023 season.
Southern suppliers will be ramping up as the month gets warmer.
With all transitional months, there may be some gaps in supply, but they will be short lived.
Welcome to spring and remember to eat all of your colours!!
The Team at United Organics

Image: The Diggers Club